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Version: v2.0


The framework supports Elasticgraph as a datasource. It supports elasticsearch as datastore. In addition, you can use various features of Elasticgraph like deep graph search algorithms, de-normalization, joins, aggregations, multi-lingual support.

Folder Structure

The datasources for Elasticgraph are defined in src/datasources. Here, elasticgraph1.yaml and elasticgraph2.yaml are defined in datasources.

├── config
└── src
├── datasources
│   └── httpbin.yaml
│   ├── elasticgraph1.yaml
│   ├── elasticgraph2.yaml
├── events
├── functions
└── mappings

Datasource DSL


  type: elasticgraph
schema_backend: ./eg_config/eg1/ # relative path to config files
deep: false # deep feature of Elasticgraph to use graph algorithms
collect: true # collect feature of elasticsearch


type: elasticgraph
schema_backend: ./eg_config/eg1/ # relative path to config files
deep: false # deep feature of Elasticgraph to use graph algorithms
collect: true # collect feature of elasticsearch

Configuration files of Elasticgraph

All the configuration files of Elasticgraph datasources should be defined in src/datasources/eg_config/ directory.

Sample strucutre of config files.

├── elasticgraph1.yaml
├── elasticgraph2.yaml
├── eg1
│ ├── collect.toml
│ ├── common.toml
│ ├── config.toml
│ ├── custom.toml
│ ├── elasticsearch.toml
│ ├── joins
│ │ └── search.txt
│ └── schema
│ ├── aggregation.toml
│ ├── dependencies.toml
│ ├── entities
│ │ ├── reconciled.toml
│ │ └── auth_user.toml
│ ├── entitiesInfo.toml
│ ├── relationships.txt
│ ├── suggestions.toml
│ └── union.toml
└── eg2
├── collect.toml
├── common.toml
├── config.toml
├── custom.toml
├── elasticsearch.toml
├── joins
│ └── search.txt
└── schema
├── aggregation.toml
├── dependencies.toml
├── entities
│ ├── reconciled.toml
│ └── auth_user.toml
├── entitiesInfo.toml
├── relationships.txt
├── suggestions.toml
└── union.toml

Elasticgraph Setup

The framework has inbuilt feature of setting up Elasticgraph model automatically whenever a new configuration is added in src/datasources/eg_config/ directory. In case, you are getting any error in the setup, then you can refer execute below step for manual setup:

During the project setup, if you have not selected elasticsearch, then you will have to execute godspeed update in project root directory, outside the dev container. This will add elasticsearch in the dev container environment.

Step 1: godspeed eg-push

$ godspeed eg-push
_ _
__ _ ___ __| | ___ _ __ ___ ___ __| |
/ _` | / _ \ / _` | / __| | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _` |
| (_| | | (_) | | (_| | \__ \ | |_) | | __/ | __/ | (_| |
\__, | \___/ \__,_| |___/ | .__/ \___| \___| \__,_|
|___/ |_|

> eg_test@1.0.0 eg-push
> for f in src/datasources/eg_config/*; do echo ${f}; node ../gs_service/elasticgraph/lib/mappingGenerator/reIndexer.js ${f} all; done


Auto generating CRUD APIs for Elasticgraph

Developer can generate CRUD APIs for all the entities in src/datasources/eg_config/ directory. Events and Workflows will be auto generated for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations for each entity in respective datastore.

Auto-generated events and workflows will be stored in /events/{datasourceName}/{entityName} and /functions/com/gs/eg/{datasourceName}/{entityName} folders respectively.

$ godspeed gen-crud-api
_ _
__ _ ___ __| | ___ _ __ ___ ___ __| |
/ _` | / _ \ / _` | / __| | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _` |
| (_| | | (_) | | (_| | \__ \ | |_) | | __/ | __/ | (_| |
\__, | \___/ \__,_| |___/ | .__/ \___| \___| \__,_|
|___/ |_|

> eg_test@1.0.0 gen-crud-api
> npx godspeed-crud-api-generator

Select datasource / schema to generate CRUD APIs
Events and Workflows are generated for elasticgraph.yaml

Elasticgraph setup

Creating the mapping in Elasticsearch for first time

To create the mapping for the first time, run the following command:

DEBUG=*,-elasticsearch node ../gs_service/elasticgraph/lib/mappingGenerator/reIndexer.js ./datasources/eg_config/eg1 all|<comma seprated list of defined entity types> init

If there are existing data indexed in Elasticsearch and we want to make changes to the mapping, such as adding new fields, it is not recommended to use the command used for creating the mapping for the first time

Reindexing after mapping updates

If we have made any changes to the mapping, such as adding new fields, we will need to reindex our data to apply the changes to the existing documents. To reindex in Elasticsearch,run the following command:

$ cd <path-to-elasticgraph-repo>
DEBUG=*,-elasticsearch node ../gs_service/elasticgraph/lib/mappingGenerator/reIndexer.js ./datasources/eg_config/eg1 backend all|<comma seprated list of defined entity types>

Configuration: Switching to OpenSearch in Elasticgraph

ElasticGraph supports both Elasticsearch and OpenSearch as underlying data stores. By default, Elasticsearch is used. To configure ElasticGraph to use OpenSearch instead of Elasticsearch, add the following either in an environment variable or in the elasticsearch.toml file in your project's configuration:

Way 1: Add the following line to the .env file:


Way 2: Add the following line to the elasticsearch.toml file:

└── config
├── backend
   └── elasticsearch.toml

maxConnections = 200
apiVersion = '7.4'
requestTimeout = 90000
node = 'http://localhost:9200'
sniffOnStart = true
ds = 'aws'

Custom Elasticsearch Mapping

If you want to override the auto-generated, default Elasticsearch mapping, You can override that in custom-mapping.yaml.

reconciled: #The type of entity
- full_name:
path_match: charge_params.*
type: float
fee (Fee):
type: float
fee (Phí dịch vụ):
type: float

API examples: Postman collection

Download the collection with documentation here There you will see core CRUD API (same in sync and async). Each CRUD api has its documentation in the collection itself.