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Version: v1

Debugger in yaml

The framework provides debugger feature in yaml workflows.

steps to use debugger feature:

  1. Start by creating a new project and running npm install to install the necessary dependencies.

  2. Utilize the "godspeed build" command to build your project efficiently.

  3. Access the JavaScript debugger and open the YAML file. You can now set breakpoints within the YAML file by placing debugger points.

  4. Navigate to the "Run and Debug" section, where you'll find the "Launch Program" option. Click on it and open the Debug Console in the terminal.

  5. With your project running, observe the Swagger UI at localhost:{port}/api-docs.

  6. Open Swagger and make an API call where you've set debugger points.

  7. As a result, the program will pause at the debugger point, allowing you to inspect and debug the code.

  8. Give it a try and explore the debugging capabilities in your project.

  9. Check out the provided video for a more in-depth understanding of the debugger feature and give it a try in your project.