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Version: v2.0

Custom Authentication


Custom authentication provides flexibility when not using JWT. This approach allows customization of authentication, enabling the use of alternative forms. Developers can implement custom middleware for tasks such as decrypting and parsing custom keys. Additionally, other protocols like OAuth2 offer the ability to connect with authentication providers such as Google and Facebook.

How to setup Custom auth?

Here is a list of points on how you can do it

  • Currently it can be done by customizing the eventsource. For this you can copy paste the closest event source from our plugins repository and paste it in your eventsources/types folder as <eventsource_name>.ts. Then go ahead and modify it as per your need.
  • The custom middleware can be added in either initClient() as global middleware or in subscribeToEvent() as API middleware in the code below
  • Follow the comments added in the code below for customizing auth.

Go through the eventsources fastify and graphql for better understanding.

  • In the below code we are discussing how to customize by using the express.ts code

initializing client and execution ( src/eventsources/types/express.ts ) :

import { PlainObject, GSActor, GSCloudEvent, GSStatus, GSEventSource } from "@godspeedsystems/core";
import express from "express";
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import _ from "lodash";
import promClient from '@godspeedsystems/metrics';
import promMid from '@mindgrep/express-prometheus-middleware';
import passport from "passport";
import fileUpload from "express-fileupload"
import { Strategy as JwtStrategy, ExtractJwt } from 'passport-jwt';

export default class EventSource extends GSEventSource {
async initClient(): Promise<PlainObject> {
const app = express();
const {
port = 3000,
request_body_limit = 50 * 1024 * 1024,
file_size_limit = 50 * 1024 * 1024,
jwt: jwtConfig
} = this.config;

// If the developer has a custom strategy, he can set Global middleware here!!

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true, limit: request_body_limit }));
app.use(bodyParser.json({ limit: file_size_limit }));
useTempFiles: true,
limits: { fileSize: file_size_limit },

// You could also use passport's another strategy, eg: passport google oauth2 strategy
// for more details visit (

// You can replace the below JwtStrategy with the below Google Strategy for example
// passport.use(new GoogleStrategy({
// clientSecret: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
// callbackURL: "http://yourdomain:3000/auth/google/callback",
// passReqToCallback : true
// },
if (jwtConfig) {
new JwtStrategy(
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(),
secretOrKey: jwtConfig.secretOrKey,
ignoreExpiration: true,
jsonWebTokenOptions: {
audience: jwtConfig.audience,
issuer: jwtConfig.issuer,
function (jwtPayload, done) {
return done(null, jwtPayload);


if (process.env.OTEL_ENABLED == 'true') {
metricsPath: false,
collectDefaultMetrics: true,
requestDurationBuckets: promClient.exponentialBuckets(0.2, 3, 6),
requestLengthBuckets: promClient.exponentialBuckets(512, 2, 10),
responseLengthBuckets: promClient.exponentialBuckets(512, 2, 10),

return app;

private authnHOF(authn: boolean) {
return (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
if (authn) {
return passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false })(req, res, next)
} else {

subscribeToEvent(eventRoute: string, eventConfig: PlainObject, processEvent: (event: GSCloudEvent, eventConfig: PlainObject) => Promise<GSStatus>, event?: PlainObject): Promise<void> {
const routeSplit = eventRoute.split('.');
const httpMethod: string = routeSplit[1];
const endpoint = routeSplit[2].replace(/{(.*?)}/g, ':$1');
const app: express.Express = this.client as express.Express;

// The custom middleware can also be added here

app[httpMethod](endpoint, this.authnHOF(event.authn), async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
const gsEvent: GSCloudEvent = EventSource.createGSEvent(req, endpoint)
const status: GSStatus = await processEvent(gsEvent, { key: eventRoute, ...eventConfig });
.status(status.code || 200)
// if data is a integer, it takes it as statusCode, so explicitly converting it to string
.send(Number.isInteger( ? String( :;
return Promise.resolve();

static createGSEvent(req: express.Request, endpoint: string) {
const reqProp = _.omit(req, [
const reqHeaders = _.pick(req, ['headers']);
let data = { ...reqProp, ...reqHeaders };

const event: GSCloudEvent = new GSCloudEvent(
new Date(),
new GSActor('user'),

return event;