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Version: v2.0

Starting with Godspeed's meta-framework for Nodejs.

In this section, you will learn how to

  1. Install the meta-framework using the command line interface (CLI)
  2. Check Express server setup
  3. Check an HTTP endpoint and its controller (handler) function
  4. Open your API endpoint in Swagger UI and test it out


  1. Nodejs v18 (or Bunjs)
  2. Npm
  3. Git
  4. VS Code or any code editor
  5. Linux, Mac, Windows and other OS supporting Nodejs or Bunjs

Step 1: Installation

  npm install -g @godspeedsystems/godspeed

Step 2: Create a project and start the server

  1. godspeed create my_new_project #replace my_new_project with name of your project. This may take some time to install the required npm plugins and create your project. Be patient!
  2. cd my_new_project #Go to your project folder
  3. godspeed serve #Start the project
  4. Check the logs. They will show http Express server is running on port 3000
    [16:46:45.437] INFO (15281 on wwwabcomin-HP-EliteBook-840-G3): [Production Server][Running] ('express:' event source, '3001' port).

Step 3: Test the helloworld API

  1. Open localhost:3000/api-docs to open Swagger UI.


  2. Check the /helloworld API endpoint in the Swagger UI. There is a Try it out button. Click that and hit the API. It will ask you to fill the name parameter for query. Why is Swagger asking for you to fill the name? Check the next point for that.

  3. Checkout how helloworld API endpoint is defined in your project's src/events/helloworld.yaml file. You will notice the configuration of the API call is in YAML format.

      http.get./helloworld: # `http` server listening via `get` method on `/helloworld` endpoint
    fn: helloworld # the function handler to be called for this endpoint, available in `src/functions`
    params: # JSON-Schema of API parameters like query, headers, path params. Note: This is set as per Swagger standard's `parameters` syntax
    - name: name # This is our name query param
    in: query # Notice the in: query This could be `path` or `headers` as well
    required: true # Notice the `name` parameter is required
    type: string
    responses: # JSON-Schema of API responses for different status codes. Note: This is set as per Swagger standard's `responses` syntax
    type: string

    In the Godspeed meta-framework each API whether REST or Graphql API is called an event. This naming approach may be new for you. The general norm across the larger developer community is to call only async events as events - for ex. Kafka or web socket message. But in Godspeed world we consider both sync APIs (REST, Graphql) and async events (Message bus, web socket, cron) - as events. All events, whether API calls or websocket messages, trigger functions which can be thought of as event handlers (see fn instruction in the yaml above). The sync events return a response while async events dont have a concept of response.

Step 4: Test the validation of API inputs and outputs

Almost every application needs validation of data sent in inputs to the API and response sent back by the service. You want to make sure wrong data does not enter your service nor do you return wrong response for an API call. Let's try this feature in the framework.

  1. Open your browser and hit the /helloworld endpoint via localhost:3000/helloworld. Or, run curl -i localhost:3000/helloworld from your terminal.
  2. This should return an error with code 400 because you have not passed name in query - as expected by the schema of helloworld API.
"validation_error": {
"success": false,
"code": 400,
"message": "request validation failed.",
"error": "must have required property 'name' in query",
"data": {
"message": "The API cannot be executed due to a failure in request params schema validation.",
"error": {
"instancePath": "",
"schemaPath": "#/required",
"keyword": "required",
"params": {
"missingProperty": "name"
"message": "must have required property 'name' in query"

  1. If you hit localhost:3000/helloworld?name=mastersilv3r, it should work.
Hello mastersilv3r
  1. If you need access to the Swagger collection, open it from /docs folder in your project. This is automatically generated from your API schema which we saw above.

  2. If you need the Postman Collection, import the Swagger file from src/docs in Postman.

Default port of your service is 3000 and Swagger endpoint is /api-docs. If you want to customise default settings, you can modify the `./src/eventsources/http.yaml For customisation and using advanced features please checkout the express-as-http plugin

Video Tutorial - Short

There is a longer and detailed introduction video as well, below on this page.

If you want some pre-made examples please check the examples repository


To know more about all CLI commands, click here

Building and running your project

Building You can build your project using the godspeed build command. This transpiles the TS files and copies all the source code into /dist folder of your project.

Clean With godspeed clean you can remove all pre-compiled files from your /dist folder. While build overrides dist everytime, clean command is useful if you have deleted some files in your src repo. When you delete something from src, it doesn't delete the files in the dist. You may need to clean up the dist folder to remove old references to deleted files in src

Local development in auto-watch mode You can start your server on localhost using godspeed serve. It will run the project in autowatch mode over your local file changes.

Production deployment: Build your project and then run godspeed preview to serve directly from the dist folder

Scaffolding of a meta-framework project

This will create a basic project with Express eventsource, a sample endpoint (event) and event handler function for the same. It will show you possible configurations of Express service with JWT authn and autorization workflows.

Scaffolding of a new project


To understand more about the scaffolding structure of the project , Check here

Referencing pre-made project templates

Pre-made projects are a great place to start learning about the meta-framework. You can refer these pre-made examples to learn about different features of meta-framework, and reuse the code from there. Feel free to clone, refer and re-use the repos given below.

Basic Project

Repository - Hello World

Full Stack App

A full stack app with Godspeed based backend and an embedded React project for frontend.

Repository - With Godspeed and React.

Loan Origination System

A more complex fintech project with diverse use cases for issuing loans via multiple lenders, policies, loan offers, KYC, loan account creation etc in a microservice based design.

Repository - Loan Origination System.

Check the and files in this repo as it requires a docker container of Postgres and Kafka to be running. Dockerfile is provided in the project.

Video Tutorial - Longer and in depth

Walkthrough the Loan Origination System project made using our meta framework

For any help

Try the below command line which will show you the commands that can be used in the godspeed framework. Refer the full CLI spec for more information, including how to add plugins for eventsources and datasources

   godspeed --help
,_, ╔════════════════════════════════════╗
(o,o) ║ Welcome to Godspeed ║
({___}) ║ World's First Meta Framework ║
" " ╚════════════════════════════════════╝

Usage: Godspeed CLI [options] [command]

CLI tool for godspeed framework.

-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command

create [options] <projectName> create a new godspeed project.
serve run godspeed development server.
clean clean the previous build.
gen-crud-api scans your prisma datasources and generate
CRUD APIs events and workflows
build build the godspeed project.
plugin manage(add, remove, update) eventsource and
datasource plugins for godspeed.
prisma proxy to prisma commands with some add-on
commands to handle prisma datasources.
help [command] display help for command