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Version: v2.0

Native Language Workflows

"Since the framework currently supports Node.js and Bun.js ecosystems, the native languages currently supported are TypeScript and JavaScript. This allows users to create custom functions. A native language workflow enables us to incorporate additional features using JavaScript or TypeScript, where we have the capability to implement intricate business logic."

Framework exported interfaces/functions allow developer with flexibility to write js/ts workflows while empowering them with the frameworks capabilities.



(Every function/workflow has access to the ctx object, which is passed as an argument, and furthermore, you can access its properties by destructuring it.)

What is GSContext ?

GSContext has the contextual information of your current workflow and is available to the event handlers (functions). It is passed to any sub workflows subsequently called by the event handler.

It includes all the context specific information like tracing information, actor, environment, headers, payload, shared state (if this ctx is shared with other instruction threads, this part can be shared with them). You can also keep immutable state (personal copy, personal view, for concurrency) etc.

Every information you need to know or store about the event and the workflow executed so far, and as well the loaded functions, datasources, logger, config, mappings etc, is available in the GSContext object.

// Everything you need within a workflow, whether in native languages like JS/TS, or in yaml workflows and tasks.

export class GSContext { //span executions
outputs: { [key: string]: GSStatus; }; //DAG result. This context has a trace history and responses of all instructions in the DAG, which are are stored in this object against task ids

log_events: GSLogEvent[] = [];

config: PlainObject; //The config folder with env vars, default, and other config files. We use node-config module for Nodejs for the same.

datasources: PlainObject; //All the datasource exported clients

log_events: GSLogEvent[] = []; //All the errors during an event handler workflow execution are captured in this list. Framework does not do anything with this. But a developer may want to have access to the errors that happened.

config: PlainObject; //app config

datasources: PlainObject; //app config

mappings: PlainObject; // The static mappings of your project under /mappings

functions: PlainObject; //All the functions you have written in /functions + all the Godspeed's YAML DSL functions

plugins: PlainObject; // The utility functions to be used in scripts. Not be confused with eventsource or datasource as plugin.

exitWithStatus?: GSStatus; // Useful when a YAML workflow is being executed. If this is set to non null value containing a GSStatus, the workflow will exit with this status. This will apply to only the immediate yaml workflow. But not its caller workflow.

logger: pino.Logger; // For logging using pino for Nodejs. This has multiple useful features incudign biding some key values with the logs that are produced.

childLogger: pino.Logger; //Child logger of logger with additional binding to print {workflow_name, task_id} with every log entry

forAuth?: boolean = false; //Whether this native or yaml workflow is being run as parth of the authz tasks
Check out GSContext alias ctx from line 971 and how we extract the variables like inputs,outputs,datasources.


Inputs Provide you all the Information you passed to event like headers, params, query params etc.

  const {inputs} = ctx;
inputs.body =;


To access outputs of tasks executed before the current task, developer can destruct ctx object just like how inputs and datasources.If we have more then one task, we can access first task outputs in second task with Outputs object. we should access first task output by useing it's id.

  const {outputs} = ctx;
const firstTaskOutput = outputs[firstTaskId]


With datasources we can access all Datasources, their clients and methods.

const { datasources} = ctx;
const responseData = await datasources.mongo.client.Restaurant.create({
data: inputs.body


with childLogger you have accessibility to framework logger.

const { childLogger} = ctx;'inputs: %o', inputs.body);


Developers can now exclusively return data from tasks, functions, and event handlers within a workflow. For example:

const {GSStatus} = require("@godspeedsystems/core");

module.exports = ctx => {
const {inputs} = ctx;
const responseData =
return responseData
//works same as return new GSStatus(true, 200, undefined, responseData, undefined);

The GSStatus is a built-in class in Godspeed. We invoke it when we're prepared to define an API response manually and dispatch it. GSStatus has the below properties.

    success: boolean;
code?: number;
message?: string;
data?: any;
headers?: {
[key: string]: any;

We set the values as below

response = new GSStatus(true, 200, undefined, responseData, undefined);

Check event handler response to know how framework handles GSStatus.

How to use GSContext and return from a JS/TS workflow
import { GSCloudEvent, GSContext, PlainObject } from "@godspeedsystems/core";
import Pino from 'pino';

export default function (ctx: GSContext, args: PlainObject) {
const {
inputs: {
data: {
params, body, query, user, headers
}: {
inputs: GSCloudEvent,
childLogger: Pino.Logger, // Define CustomLogger if necessary
logger: Pino.Logger,
outputs: PlainObject, // Adjust the type accordingly
functions: PlainObject, // Adjust the type accordingly
datasources: PlainObject // Adjust the type accordingly
} = ctx;

// Will print with workflow_name and task_id attributes'Server is running healthy');
// Will print without workflow_name and task_id attributes'Arguments passed %o', args);'Inputs object \n user %o query %o body %o headers %o params %o', user, query, body, headers, params);'Outputs object has outputs from previous tasks with given ids %o', Object.keys(outputs));'Datasources object has following datasource clients %o', Object.keys(datasources));'Total functions found in the project %s', Object.keys(functions).length);

// Returning only data
return 'Its working! ' +;

return {
data: 'Its working! ' +,
code: 200,
// success: true,
// headers: undefined
return {
data: 'Its working! ' +,
// code: 200,
success: true,
// headers: undefined
return {
data: 'Its working! ' +,
code: 200,
success: true,
headers: undefined

The above is a sample of how a js file is configured and used. For every function it comes up with a ctx called GSContext which helps in maintaining and passing the data with the functions and method.

Calling javascript function from Yaml workflow

In YAML workflows, it is possible to invoke JavaScript functions to introduce special functionality or extensions.

  • Scaffolding

Scaffolding Image

  • Event
Example event
fn: helloworld
type: object

type: number
  • Yaml workflow
id: helloworld
- id: first_task
fn: test
x: <% inputs.body.x %>
y: <% inputs.body.y %>
  • Javascript workflow
const {GSStatus} = require('@godspeedsystems/core');

module.exports = async(ctx,args)=>{
const responseData = parseInt(args.x)+parseInt(args.y);
return new GSStatus(true, 200, undefined, responseData, undefined);

This is how we access the args (ctx,args) here args is a json object


GSStatus is a built-in class in Godspeed that we utilize to return responses from workflows.

  • Sample response

Response Image

Calling js function from an event

Likewise, you have the option to directly invoke a JavaScript function from an event.

  • Event
Example event
fn: test
type: object

type: number

  • Javascript function
const {GSStatus} = require('@godspeedsystems/core');

module.exports = async(ctx)=>{
const x = parseInt(
const y = parseInt(
const responseData = x+y
return new GSStatus(true, 200, undefined, responseData, undefined);


When calling a JavaScript function directly from the event, ensure that you access the inputs from the ctx, as demonstrated in the provided JavaScript file.

Invoking functions from JS/TS functions

  • All functions within a Godspeed project, including those written in YAML, JavaScript (JS), or TypeScript (TS), are accessible through the ctx.functions object.
  • Similarly, all datasources utilized in a Godspeed project are conveniently available under the ctx.datasources object.
  • Every information you require or intend to store about the current event, workflow, loaded functions, datasources, logger, config, mappings etc is readily available within the GSContext (ctx) object..
  • Follow the comments added in example below to understand how to call functions from ts/js functions.

    export default async function (ctx: GSContext, args: any) {

    //Calling functions (yaml, js, ts) from within a ts/js function, in a godspeed project's functions folder. All functions are available under ctx.functions.
    const res = await ctx.functions[''](ctx, {nice: "name", ...args});

    //Calling datasource functions. All datasources are available under ctx.datasources hood.
    const res = await, {

    //Pass exactly same args as this aws service's method takes

    //Along with args, pass meta object
    // meta can contain {entityType, method}
    meta: {entityType: 's3', method: 'listBuckets'},

    //Or meta can contain {fnNameInWorkflow} which is same as
    //the 'fn' that we write when invoking datasource from yaml workflow
    //For example, this will also work

    //meta: {fnNameInWorkflow: ''}
    if (!res.success) {
    return new GSStatus(false, res.code || 500, undefined, {message: "Internal Server Error", info: res.message})
    //If a developer only returns data without setting keys like "success" or "code" in the response,
    // the framework assumes it is just the data.
    //In such cases, the response code defaults to 200, and success is assumed to be true.

    return res
    // works same as return new GSStatus(true, 200, undefined, res );

Handling event handler return

By default, all the framework defined functions or developer written functions, have to return either GSStatus or data.
Now lets see how the framework qualifies your return as GSStatus or simple data. The framework sees that your returned data has one of code or success meta-keys.

Non Authz (normal) workflows
i. If both are present, it looks for the other GSStatus keys and set them.
ii. If only code is present and lies between 200-399, then success is assumed to be true else false. It looks for the other GSStatus keys and set them.
iii. If only success is present, then code is assumed to be 200. It looks for the other GSStatus keys and set them.
iv. If it doesn't find any of these keys, it assumes all that you have returned is intended to be then it adds code: 200 and success: true internally to your response and create a GSStatus out of it to pass on to next tasks or workflows.

Authz workflows
Check reponse handling in case of authorization workflows.


You can study the code here to understand both of the above scenarios better.

For example,

import {GSStatus, GSContext} from "@godspeedsystems/core"

export default async function (ctx: GSContext, args: any) {
const reqData =await;
return reqData;
// same as "return new GSStatus(true, 200, undefined, reqData, undefined);"