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Version: v2.0


Logs are the application/service logs that are displayed on console. Sample logs:

[14:46:00.881] DEBUG: Datasources found in src/datasources ["api","mem-cache"]
section: "loading_functions"
[14:46:00.882] DEBUG: Starting to parse and load GSFunction id: first_task name: helloworld
parent: {
"workflow_name": "helloworld",
"task_id": "helloworld"
workflow_name: "helloworld"
task_id: "first_task"

Godspeed adds some attributes (extra key/value pairs) to the logs to enhance logging and provide more information about the location. For example, in the above logs,
section: which represents section the service is in while getting loading.
parent: an object with information about the parent workflow and task.
workflow_name: which represents the current workflow.
task_id: which represents the current task.

Application configuration

Log format

There are two types of log formats in Godspeed.

pino pretty format

pino pretty format is more readable and user friendly. It is mostly used in development environments on user's local machine. Logs are dumped in this format when any of the below conditions is satisfied:
a) observability is disabled i.e. OTEL_ENABLED env variable is not set to true.
b) NODE_ENV is set to 'dev'.

Sample Logs:

[14:46:00.813] INFO: [START] Load definitions from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/definitions
[14:46:00.816] DEBUG: Definitions loaded and registered to ajvInstance
[14:46:00.817] INFO: [END] Load definitions
[14:46:00.818] INFO: [START] Load mappings from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/mappings
[14:46:00.819] INFO: [END] Load mappings
[14:46:00.819] INFO: [START] Load data sources from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/datasources
. . . . . . . . .
[14:46:00.881] DEBUG: JS/TS functions found in src/functions my_bank_api.auth_workflow,validations.request.standardResponse
section: "loading_functions"
. . . . . . . .
[14:46:00.882] DEBUG: Starting to parse and load GSFunction id: helloworld name: helloworld
workflow_name: "helloworld"
task_id: "helloworld"

OTEL format

OTEL Logging format is used in Production/UAT and other environments where the user needs to enable observability.


OTEL Logging format provides co-relation between logs and traces by specifying tracing information (like TraceId, SpanId or TraceFlags) in the logs. With this co-relation information, one can navigate from logs to trace to get more information about any scenario.

Logs are dumped in this format when all of the below conditions are satisfied:
a) observability is enabled i.e. OTEL_ENABLED env variable is set to true.
b) NODE_ENV is not set to 'dev'.

{"Body":"[START] Load definitions from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/definitions","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.122Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","env":"production","host.hostname":"ThinkPadT480s"},"Attributes":{}}
{"Body":"Definitions loaded and registered to ajvInstance","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.124Z000000","SeverityNumber":5,"SeverityText":"DEBUG","Resource":{"":"sample_app","env":"production","host.hostname":"ThinkPadT480s"},"Attributes":{}}
{"Body":"[END] Load definitions","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.125Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","env":"production","host.hostname":"ThinkPadT480s"},"Attributes":{}}
{"Body":"[START] Load mappings from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/mappings","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.125Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","env":"production","host.hostname":"ThinkPadT480s"},"Attributes":{}}
{"Body":"[END] Load mappings","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.126Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","env":"production","host.hostname":"ThinkPadT480s"},"Attributes":{}}
{"Body":"[START] Load data sources from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/datasources","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.126Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","env":"production","host.hostname":"ThinkPadT480s"},"Attributes":{}}
. . . . . . . . .
{"Body":"JS/TS functions found in src/functions my_bank_api.auth_workflow,validations.request.standardResponse","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.210Z000000","SeverityNumber":5,"SeverityText":"DEBUG","Resource":{"":"sample_app","env":"production","host.hostname":"ThinkPadT480s"},"Attributes":{"section":"loading_functions"}}
. . . . . . . . .
{"Body":"Starting to parse and load GSFunction id: helloworld name: helloworld","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.210Z000000","SeverityNumber":5,"SeverityText":"DEBUG","Resource":{"":"sample_app","env":"production","host.hostname":"ThinkPadT480s"},"Attributes":{"workflow_name":"helloworld","task_id":"helloworld"}}

Log level

The minimum level set to log above this level. Please refer Pino log levels for more information. Set log.level in config.

redact: # ['a.b.c', 'a.b.*', 'req.headers', 'mobileNumber'] #pino redact rules. Default null.
level: debug #by default info
sync: true #By default sync is false. For debugging, keep it true. For performance keep it false.
timestamp: stdTimeFunctions.isoTime #Pino date formats
bindings: # should pid and hostname be enabled in pino log bindings.
pid: false
hostname: true

Sample Logs:

[14:46:00.813] INFO: [START] Load definitions from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/definitions
[14:46:00.816] DEBUG: Definitions loaded and registered to ajvInstance
[14:46:00.817] INFO: [END] Load definitions

Log fields masking

If you want to hide sensitive information in logs then define the fields which need to be hidden in redact feature in Static variables. Redaction path syntax is standard JSON object lookup.
For example,

redact: ['a.b.c', 'a.b.*', 'req.headers', 'mobileNumber'] #pino redact rules. Default null.
level: debug #by default info
sync: true #By default sync is false. For debugging, keep it true. For performance keep it false.
timestamp: stdTimeFunctions.isoTime #Pino date formats
bindings: # should pid and hostname be enabled in pino log bindings.
pid: false
hostname: true

By specifying the above redaction paths, the objects which have these properties will be masked in the logs.


Please refer Pino redaction paths for more information.

Generic convention
If you want to mask any field in the objects in all deep nesting levels then you can use **.<field_name> convention instead of specifying each path explicitly. For example,

redact: ['**.mobileNumber']

By specifying the above redaction path, mobileNumber field will be redacted in logs in all nesting levels.

Sample masked logs:

{"Body":"args after evaluation: step1 {\"name\":\"ABC\",\"gender\":\"M\",\"age\":25,\"mobileNumber\":\"*****\"}","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.124Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","host.hostname":"4030f41a75cb","":3593},"Attributes":{"event":"/helloworld.http.get","workflow_name":"helloworld","task_id":"step1"}}
{"Body":"Executing handler step1 {\"name\":\"ABC\",\"gender\":\"M\",\"age\":25,\"mobileNumber\":\"*****\"}","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.124Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","host.hostname":"4030f41a75cb","":3593},"Attributes":{"event":"/helloworld.http.get","workflow_name":"helloworld","task_id":"step1"}}
{"Body":"Result of _executeFn step1 {\"name\":\"ABC\",\"gender\":\"M\",\"age\":25,\"mobileNumber\":\"*****\"}","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.130Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","host.hostname":"4030f41a75cb","":3593},"Attributes":{"event":"/helloworld.http.get","workflow_name":"helloworld","task_id":"step1"}}
{"Body":"Result of _executeFn add_mobileNumber_transformation_step2 {\"request_data\":{\"payload\":{\"data\":{\"body\":{\"mobileNumber\":\"*****\"}}}}}","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.190Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","Resource":{"":"sample_app","host.hostname":"4030f41a75cb","":3593},"Attributes":{"event":"/helloworld.http.get","workflow_name":"helloworld","task_id":"add_mobileNumber_transformation_step2"}}
{"Body":" hello_world, output: {\"request_data\":{\"payload\":{\"data\":{\"body\":{\"mobileNumber\":\"*****\"}}}}}","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.191Z000000","SeverityNumber":5,"SeverityText":"DEBUG","Resource":{"":"sample_app","host.hostname":"4030f41a75cb","":3593},"Attributes":{"event":"/helloworld.http.get","workflow_name":"helloworld","task_id":"hello_world"}}

Log timestamp

Different timestamp formats. Please refer pino.stdTimeFunctions for more information. Set log.timestamp in config.

redact: ['a.b.c', 'a.b.*', 'req.headers', 'mobileNumber'] #pino redact rules. Default null.
level: debug #by default info
sync: true #By default sync is false. For debugging, keep it true. For performance keep it false.
timestamp: stdTimeFunctions.isoTime #Pino date formats
bindings: # should pid and hostname be enabled in pino log bindings.
pid: false
hostname: false

Sample Logs:

[14:46:00.813] INFO: [START] Load definitions from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/definitions
[14:46:00.816] DEBUG: Definitions loaded and registered to ajvInstance
[14:46:00.817] INFO: [END] Load definitions

Log bindings

Binds two extra properties to each log entry by default: the program's process ID (pid), and the current machine's hostname. Set log.bindings in config.

redact: ['a.b.c', 'a.b.*', 'req.headers', 'mobileNumber'] #pino redact rules. Default null.
level: debug #by default info
sync: true #By default sync is false. For debugging, keep it true. For performance keep it false.
timestamp: stdTimeFunctions.isoTime #Pino date formats
bindings: # should pid and hostname be enabled in pino log bindings.
pid: true
hostname: true

Sample Logs:

[14:46:00.813] INFO (16542 on HP-EliteBook-840-G3): [START] Load definitions from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/definitions
[14:46:00.816] DEBUG (16542 on HP-EliteBook-840-G3): Definitions loaded and registered to ajvInstance
[14:46:00.817] INFO (16542 on HP-EliteBook-840-G3): [END] Load definitions

Asynchronous/Synchronous logs

Specifies whether to do synchronous or asynchronous logging. Please refer asynchronous logging for more information. Set log.sync in config.


It is recommented to set it to true for debugging purposes. For performance keep it false.

redact: ['a.b.c', 'a.b.*', 'req.headers', 'mobileNumber'] #pino redact rules. Default null.
level: debug #by default info
sync: false #By default sync is false. For debugging, keep it true. For performance keep it false.
timestamp: stdTimeFunctions.isoTime #Pino date formats
bindings: # should pid and hostname be enabled in pino log bindings.
pid: true
hostname: true

Sample Logs:

[14:46:00.813] INFO (16542 on HP-EliteBook-840-G3): [START] Load definitions from /home/gurjot/data/cli-test/v2_test2/dist/definitions
[14:46:00.816] DEBUG (16542 on HP-EliteBook-840-G3): Definitions loaded and registered to ajvInstance
[14:46:00.817] INFO (16542 on HP-EliteBook-840-G3): [END] Load definitions

Custom log attributes

1. For all events

You can add any custom attribute in the logs whenever any event is triggered on your service. The value for the custom identifier can be picked up from event body, params, query, or headers.

To enable this feature for common logging attributes across all events ,you need to specify two things:

1. log.attributes variable as in config which contains custom identifiers.

For example, this is the sample static configuration:

mobileNumber: <% query.mobileNumber %>
id: <% %>
lan: <% %>
name: <% %>
gender: <% mappings.Gender %>

2. location of the identifier in the request payload. As specified in the above example,
- if mobileNumber is present in query params then specify query.mobileNumber.
- if id is present in path params then specify
- if lan is present in data field inside body then specify
- if name is present in headers then specify
- if gender is present in data field inside mappings then specify <% mappings.Gender %>.

Sample Logs
{"Body":"Processing event /test/","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.191Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","TraceId":"3b66e6f8ec6624f6467af1226503a39e","SpanId":"eb6e7d89ac381e9f","TraceFlags":"01","Resource":{"":"sample_app","host.hostname":"5252603e08be","":828},"Attributes":{"event":"/test/","workflow_name":"com.jfs.test","mobileNumber":"9878987898","id":"12","lan":"12345"}}
{"Body":"event inputs {\"baseUrl\":\"\",\"body\":{\"data\":{\"lan\":\"12345\"}},\"fresh\":false,\"hostname\":\"localhost\",\"ip\":\"::ffff:\",\"ips\":[],\"method\":\"POST\",\"originalUrl\":\"/test/12?mobileNumber=9878987898\",\"params\":{\"id\":\"12\"},\"path\":\"/test/12\",\"protocol\":\"http\",\"query\":{\"mobileNumber\":\"9878987898\"},\"route\":{\"path\":\"/test/:id\",\"stack\":[{\"name\":\"<anonymous>\",\"keys\":[],\"regexp\":{\"fast_star\":false,\"fast_slash\":false},\"method\":\"post\"},{\"name\":\"<anonymous>\",\"keys\":[],\"regexp\":{\"fast_star\":false,\"fast_slash\":false},\"method\":\"post\"}],\"methods\":{\"post\":true}},\"secure\":false,\"stale\":true,\"subdomains\":[],\"xhr\":false,\"headers\":{\"content-type\":\"application/json\",\"user-agent\":\"PostmanRuntime/7.29.2\",\"accept\":\"*/*\",\"postman-token\":\"9e57df7d-0a75-48b6-bc52-921bd5c045b7\",\"host\":\"localhost:4000\",\"accept-encoding\":\"gzip, deflate, br\",\"connection\":\"keep-alive\",\"content-length\":\"46\"},\"files\":[]}","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.196Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","TraceId":"3b66e6f8ec6624f6467af1226503a39e","SpanId":"eb6e7d89ac381e9f","TraceFlags":"01","Resource":{"":"sample_app","host.hostname":"5252603e08be","":828},"Attributes":{"event":"/test/","workflow_name":"com.jfs.test","mobileNumber":"9878987898","id":"12","lan":"12345"}}
{"Body":"event body and eventSpec exist","Timestamp":"2024-04-10T09:40:45.197Z000000","SeverityNumber":9,"SeverityText":"INFO","TraceId":"3b66e6f8ec6624f6467af1226503a39e","SpanId":"eb6e7d89ac381e9f","TraceFlags":"01","Resource":{"":"sample_app","host.hostname":"5252603e08be","":828},"Attributes":{"event":"/test/","workflow_name":"com.jfs.test","mobileNumber":"9878987898","id":"12","lan":"12345"}}

2. At eventsource level

You can override log attributes at eventsource level also. You can specify customized log attributes for specific eventsource. This will override default custom attributes as defined in the previous section.

To enable this feature, you need to specify log.attributes variable in the eventsource config.

type: express
port: 3000
base_url: /api/v1 #the base url of the http service

#Basic swagger setup
endpoint: /api-docs # the url on which the service will start

event_type: myevent
Sample Logs
{ Body: "return value [] 200 %o"
Timestamp: "2024-04-10T09:40:45.197Z000000"
SeverityNumber: 9
SeverityText: "INFO"
TraceId: "3fba9b9bd5d10d00b1b730b74c8eba51"
SpanId: "985e8a8d6a18568b"
TraceFlags: "01"
Resource: {
"": "sample_app",
"host.hostname": "6295f63d9181",
"": 13956
Attributes: {
"event": "/helloworld",
"workflow_name": "helloworld",
"file_name": "helloworld",
"event_type": "myevent"

3. At event level

You can override log attributes at event level also. You can specify customized log attributes for specific event. This will override default custom attributes as defined in the previous section.

To enable this feature ,you need to specify log.attributes on event level which contains custom identifiers.

fn: helloworld
authn: false
fruit: apple
identifier: 1
- name: name
in: query
required: true
type: string
type: string
Sample Logs
{ Body: "return value [] 200 %o"
Timestamp: "1688565778237000000"
SeverityNumber: 9
SeverityText: "INFO"
TraceId: "3fba9b9bd5d10d00b1b730b74c8eba51"
SpanId: "985e8a8d6a18568b"
TraceFlags: "01"
Resource: {
"": "sample_app",
"host.hostname": "6295f63d9181",
"": 13956
Attributes: {
"event": "/helloworld",
"workflow_name": "helloworld",
"file_name": "helloworld",
"msgparameter": {
"fruit": "apple"
"identifier": 1,
"task_id": ""

4. Custom on_error logging in workflow/tasks

In case you want to log specific attributes when an error happens in a task, set those values in on_error.log_attributes of that task.

For ex.

summary: add custom error logs on workflow
id: validation_error
- id: error_transform
error_type: "enter your custom error type here"
error_message: "xyz value is required"
Sample logs
    {Timestamp: "1688563866502000000"
SeverityNumber: 17
SeverityText: "ERROR"
TraceId: "7563f0bd1e6c6508e58a4d1de1464635"
SpanId: "c4c65132ef79982f"
TraceFlags: "01"
Resource: {
"": "sample_app",
"host.hostname": "6295f63d9181",
"": 8455
Attributes: {
"event": "/helloworld",
"workflow_name": "helloworld",
"file_name": "helloworld",
"msgparameter": {
"fruit": "apple"
"task_id": "response_validation_error_handler",
"error": {
"error_type": "enter your custom error type here",
"error_message": "xyz value is required"

Collector configuration

To be coming soon

Follow this Github issue for more updates.