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Version: v2.0


The framework takes the approach of schema driven development. It supports multiple kinds of SQL and NoSQL datasbases. The developer only needs to specify or generate the schema for a database, with authorization policies. The CRUD events and workflows are automatically generated from the schema itself.

The framework provides functionality to access almost all popular databases through Prisma-as-datastore plugin Plugin Repository which is a powerful tool for efficient and secure database interactions in web applications.

List of currently supported Databases

1. PostgreSQL: Prisma has strong support for PostgreSQL, one of the most popular open-source relational database systems.

2. MySQL: Prisma can be used with MySQL, another widely used open-source relational database management system.

3. SQLite: SQLite is a serverless, self-contained, and zero-configuration database engine, and Prisma supports it as well.

4. SQL Server: Prisma offers support for Microsoft SQL Server, a popular commercial relational database management system.

5. MongoDB (Experimental): Prisma also has experimental support for MongoDB, a NoSQL database, although this support may not be as mature as for relational databases.

6. CockroachDB: A distributed, resilient SQL database for large-scale, cloud-native applications.

7. MariaDB: An open-source, high-performance relational database system and MySQL-compatible alternative.

8. PlanetScale: PlanetScale is a database-as-a-service platform designed for distributed SQL databases. It provides a managed, scalable, and highly available database solution for modern, cloud-native applications.

How it works

You can integrate any of the above databases into your project by following a few simple steps:

Step 1: Install the Prisma-as-datastore-plugin, See How to install

Step 2: Set your Database_Connection_URL To connect with the database, give your db_connection_url in .env file. You can check the format and example of Connection_url for all the supported databases in the next section

Step 3: Schema specification The framework extends Prisma specification to define the schema for any database. You can create your prisma schema in the src/datasources folder as a file {database_name}.prisma.

Check Sample Prisma Schema

Step 4: Prisma Database and Models Setup The framework has inbuilt feature of setting up database automatically whenever a new schema {database_name}.prisma file is created in the src/datasources folder. Just type this command in CLI

 'godspeed prisma prepare'

Generate CRUD API

Now you can generate CRUD API using following command

 'godspeed gen crud api'

Database Encryption

Database Authorization

- Plugin Repository