The framework takes the approach of schema driven development. It supports multiple kinds of SQL and NoSQL datasbases. The developer only needs to specify or generate the schema for a database, with authorization policies. The CRUD events and workflows are automatically generated from the schema itself.
The framework provides functionality to access almost all popular databases through Prisma-as-datastore plugin Plugin Repository which is a powerful tool for efficient and secure database interactions in web applications.
List of currently supported Databases
1. PostgreSQL: Prisma has strong support for PostgreSQL, one of the most popular open-source relational database systems.
2. MySQL: Prisma can be used with MySQL, another widely used open-source relational database management system.
3. SQLite: SQLite is a serverless, self-contained, and zero-configuration database engine, and Prisma supports it as well.
4. SQL Server: Prisma offers support for Microsoft SQL Server, a popular commercial relational database management system.
5. MongoDB (Experimental): Prisma also has experimental support for MongoDB, a NoSQL database, although this support may not be as mature as for relational databases.
6. CockroachDB: A distributed, resilient SQL database for large-scale, cloud-native applications.
7. MariaDB: An open-source, high-performance relational database system and MySQL-compatible alternative.
8. PlanetScale: PlanetScale is a database-as-a-service platform designed for distributed SQL databases. It provides a managed, scalable, and highly available database solution for modern, cloud-native applications.
How it works
You can integrate any of the above databases into your project by following a few simple steps:
Step 1: Install the Prisma-as-datastore-plugin, See How to install
Step 2: Set your Database_Connection_URL To connect with the database, give your db_connection_url in .env file. You can check the format and example of Connection_url for all the supported databases in the next section
Step 3: Schema specification The framework extends Prisma specification to define the schema for any database. You can create your prisma schema in the src/datasources folder as a file {database_name}.prisma.
Check Sample Prisma Schema
Step 4: Prisma Database and Models Setup The framework has inbuilt feature of setting up database automatically whenever a new schema {database_name}.prisma file is created in the src/datasources folder. Just type this command in CLI
'godspeed prisma prepare'
Generate CRUD API
Now you can generate CRUD API using following command
'godspeed gen crud api'